dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

Treasure hunting

Last week I went to the Waterlooplein flea market in Amsterdam. Usually I buy my vintage 30's 40'sand 50's dresses ther for very reasonable prices. But this day my fovorite 'shop' was closed.

There were piles of clothes laying on the ground for only 1 euro a piece. Most of it was absolute rubbish and anything from my favorite era's is not to be found there. But for one euro some other things became very appealing.

late 60's and 70's are not really my era but I couldn't resist some lovely dresses that only cost 1 euro(!) each. What was funny that they were sold right in front of the Episode store that sells the same kind of things for unfriendly steep prices.

This is a floral print 70's maxi. Probably home-made from some kind of synthetic material. I don't know if I'll ever wear it but it does look nice with a little belt.

I think this dress is fromm the late 60's. Very cute and a lot like a school uniform. I thought it was never ever going to fit me and I bought it to give it away, but surprizingly it dit fit quite perfectly and even looked great on me.

I know most people are against fur even if it is second hand, well I'm pro. I looooved this fur baret.

I found a skirt that was not at all appealing to me in the first place. I did buy it because it was made out of beautiful raw silk. Now I've got over two metres of fabric to make something completely different. Also the skirt was trimmed with velvet ribbon and broderie lace. Not bad for a euro.

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