dinsdag 26 oktober 2010

Dress for less

A while ago I bought a horrible silk skirt at a flea market for only one euro. I took the skirt apart and used the lovely fabric to make a dress.

I used a 40's pattern I found in a Beyer pattern magazine. The magazine and the pattern are in a very bad state. The pattern dates from WWII so the paper quality is very poor.

The patterns (there are 10 dress patterns on this one leaf) are very crowding a relatively small piece of paper, this is probably due to paper shortages.

The fact that these patterns are from WWII makes them ideal for making dresses out of scraps of material or when there is only just enough fabric to make a dress. Because textile was so scarce none of these patterns require large amounts of fabric and some of them are especially made for little fabric or two different materials.

I loved this pattern with shoulder pieces and big pockets and a six piece skirt. Ideal to experiment with the possiblities chequered fabric. It took a lot of carefull fitting to get the dress out of the small amount of fabric (little overv 2mtr of 88cm broad).

The original skirt was decorated with velvet ribbon. I used the ribon to acentuate the pockets and shoulder insertions.

So for only one euro I've got a dress made out of real silk, pretty amazing, and also a nice chalenge.

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