donderdag 4 oktober 2012

World animal day:crow

These pictures were taken in 2010 when I had a pet crow, world animal day made me remember them. The little crow fell out of its nest that was very high up in a tree. It was tame from the beginning, probably because I fed it(cat food, and about eveything else). Crows are wonderful pets, very smart and sociable. 'Kraai' was very fond of shiny and brightly colored objects (like a maqgpie). If it could get hold of something it would parade around proudly and hide the treasure when noone was looking (you could see Kraai checking out if people or other animals were watching). Spoons hairpins, orange pens etc. hidden all over the garden. Kraai was also very talkative and the pictures are suposed to be a 'conversation'.
At the end of the summer Kraai left and never came back. I hope I'll find another one someday.

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