donderdag 25 oktober 2012

Black dresses: part 1

I love them: black dresses. Unfotunately taking good pictures of black dresses is rather a chalenge as they, light absorbing. I finally managed to catch the wonderful details of several black dresses on camera so I hope to post one every week. Acompanied by some fashion prints. Black is not a favorite colour in fashion prints either for pretty much the same reason that makes it so difficult to photograph the details of a black dress. Therefore the prints show dresses in colour (or grey). It is in the details and the design that they resemble the black dress from my wardrobe.
The first dress is made out of rayon/acetate crepe and rayon/silk cut velvet. It probably dates form the early forties (width of the shoulders) was possibly made in the late 30's (sleeve design is rather 30's). The velvet details make this dress very alluring to me as I have a thing for velvet and a thing for dresses that were composed out of different kinds of fabric.
My hairstyle was inspired by the crazy styles you see in pictures of Parisian women during the war. Rather extravagant and lots of volume and piled curls. Probably to complement the big hats and turbans of the day and to make up for the lack of new dresses.
More still to come :)

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