zondag 24 april 2011

Edwardian Easter

For easter I want to wear one of my oldest wearable dresses. It is a dress that is probably from the late teens maybe the very early twenties. It still has that Edwardian teagown style, but is not floor length or tiny waisted.
I took the pictures quite long ago, it was for a project. The idea was to create pictures that looked like they were taken in another era. I tried to mimic the look of old-fashioned postcards :P.

I won't be wearing the dress quite like I did in the pictures. I'll give it a quick update with a little belt a blue underdress and a more understated hairstyle than the corckscrew curls in the picture. I'm thinking about wearing it with wedges.

The teagown style white with lace dress seems to be everywhere this summer so I might even end up looking 'hip' in a 90 year old dress.

maandag 18 april 2011

1939 fashion plates

Summer ensemble with floral embroidery.

Here are some high quality french fashion plates I bought this weekend. They are from a 1939set of designs. Most of the pictures from this period are from magazines or cataloguesoften printed on thin paper. These ones are quite differentthey feel similar to the victorian type though not as delicately hand colored. They were probably shown to women to choose from at dressmakers shops. There's no text to acompany them, maybe there would have been a short intro at the beginning of a series but that probably would have been all.

Blue evening dress

I know this because a while ago I saw a several of these series in complete form in a museum where I did some research to find material for an exhibition I'm working on for another museum. Ofcourse I could not post immages of those plates on the internet since they belong to the museum and are not on display. I was amazed by them. Especially the use of color. Even the ones that were issued during the war were in bright lemon greens, shocking pinks and sky blue hues and printed on durable paper. Alltogether very different from most magazine pictures.

Autunm/winter dress

The pictures in this post strongly remember me of the series from the museum. I will be able to dispay those at the coming exhibition. Can't wait to show these hidden treasures to a public.

More subdued hues for a winter coat.

zaterdag 2 april 2011


Today was the first day the temperature allowed me to go out in a summer dress without stockings or anything with long sleeves. Perfect for wearing a summer dress I bought a somewhere in february. Ever since I bought this pastel ckeckered one along with another cotton nautical style dress I've been longing for temperatures above 20 degrees celsius!

Also a perfect day to take pictures between seas of spring flowers.