dinsdag 7 september 2010

Private museum + vintage fashion show

On sunday I went to a vintage fashion show in a place near my parents (countryside). It was held by a woman who has a private museum of 'vintage' things. Not just clothes also kitchenwear, cans, furniture, linnen etc. As I don't know whether the models would like to be on the internet I'll only post some pics of the museum.

The show started with the traditional wear of women in that part of the country around the turn of the century. Lots of black and a kind of white hats called 'knipmutsen'. Not really my thing but still very interesting.

Then came lots of vintage underwear and dresses fom the 20's through the 50's. I particularly loved a blue weddingdress that had been made shorter, but could be seen full-length on an old wedding picture. There was also a pretty blue knit underdress, that was made in 1937 by one of the women in the audience who was 17 then(that would make her 90 now!)

The story that was told to accompany the clothes was fun an interesting to listen to. There was a clear difference made out between the countryside and the city, only this time it was from the perspective of the people fom the countryside. I thought it rather refreshing, someone from Amsterdam (someone quite(but not exactly) like me to be perfectly honest) might have made it into a snobbish "look how much better and more advanced we were (and are)".

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