woensdag 25 augustus 2010

Book market in Bredevoort

On saturday I went to a book market in a little town called Bredevoort. There are many many book shops (almost the only kind of shops there are since Bredevoort is very small). Sometimes they also have book markets in the open air.

In one shop (I always go there and they always have just the kind of books I'm looking for) I found several interesting books. Two of them are by the same author and have wonderfull pictures.

Then there was this book ond clothing rationing during and after the war, and some amazing solutions people found to make clothes without wasting valuable coupons.

I also found a copy of a 1948 'Margriet',a Dutch women's magazine.

I really like the atmosphere in Bredevoort. It is a mixture of 'cute small town in a rural area' and 'intellectual antiquarian book center'. I had a perfect end of summer saturday (it was probably the last hot day of the year).

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