donderdag 31 maart 2011

Arsenic & an old lace dress

This 40's dress is made out of the most wonderfull lace. Blue with pink flowers. It is trimmed with deep blue velvet ribbons. Very much a dress for february I'd say. The flowers are very springy. But let me just tell a little story:

Once upon a time there was a girl madly in love with an old lace dress. One afternoon she wore the dress, as she often did, when paying a visit to her neighbours who lived in a big delapidated house.
The family consited out of two parents and two children. There had been a grandma but noone had seen her for at least ten years. This aternoon the girl found the house in absolute silence, the door however was open so she walked in.........

On a table there was tea in a teacup waiting for her. She turned on the light because it was rather dark in the big lonely house.

She picked up the teacup and took a sip.

As she finished het tea she was surprized to find there was still some sugar residu left in het cup.

Then she heard a funny noise. She looked up but there was nothing to see.

After this all went black.......... What the girl had not knwon was that the dress had belonged to the old grann who was alive and kicking. Next to a profound love for her old dress granny was locked up by her family after several attempts to poison people she envied.

The day before granny had escaped and killed her ungratefull family. When she found out who owned her favorite dress she decided to kill the girl. From her window she had watched the girl come to tea at a particular afternoon every week for years. With a little bit arsenic she succeeded and the old lace dress was hers again.

Ok this was a little sick, but the story does have a happy ending doesn't it

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